Visit Hilke at her Open Studio on 13-14, 10-5 (Venue 43).

9 Bridge Road, WOLLATON  NG8 2DG

i: buchertiger
f: buechertiger
No Wheelchair Access: Ground level access, but with door thresholds; narrow studio – hard to turn a walking aid/stroller/wheelchair.

Book artist, utilizing printmaking, papermache, miniatures and whatever craft is needed to tell a story.

Hilke Kurzke has been working as a book artist since 2008, first in Germany and now in Nottingham in two studios, one at Backlit in the City Centre, and one where all bindings and prints are made, at Washhouse Studio in Wollaton. Kurzke is a founder of the Notts Book Arts Festival, and will exhibit in 2023 as close to home as Loughborough, and as far away as Minneapolis, US. Her art focuses on communication and culture and what we do not talk about, with a special focus on the role of women and mothers.

If you are interested in this work, please contact the artist directly through the links above.